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Interstate Park Devil's Chair

Interstate Park Devil's Chair

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Interstate Park comprises two adjacent state parks on the Minnesota–Wisconsin border, both named Interstate State Park. They straddle the Dalles of the St. Croix River, a deep basalt gorge with glacial potholes and other rock formations. On the Minnesota side, two areas contain National Park Service rustic style buildings and structures that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

One of the most iconic rock formations on the Minnesota side was known as the Devil's Chair. ​​Unfortunately, in April 2005 a landmark rock formation called the Devil's Chair collapsed. An investigation found that the basalt pinnacle was toppled by vandals using crowbars and possibly a hydraulic spreader. Despite a reward for tips, the culprits have never been identified.

Poster Print
A poster print is created using a professional laser printer on heavy, cover stock paper. The quality of the print and of the paper vary. Colors are placed on the paper with dots.

Artist Print
An artist print is a higher quality print produced by a professional printer. It is ideal for professional framing.

Prints are NOT matted or framed.
Original artwork by Jamey Penney-Ritter/Bemused Design.
Copyright watermark will not appear on your print.

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